Dropping New Music July 12

First of all there has been good news on the cancer front. The Doctors have confirmed that they removed the tumour in my bladder and that I will undergo follow up treatments but will not have to have my bladder removed. Some risk remains and it will still be some time before I can perform live again but things are looking up. 

On an entirely positive front we are excited to announce that on July 12 we'll be dropping a 3-song EP titled Miracle. Sounds awesome to us and I hope you will enjoy. We'll also be releasing a video!!!!!

There are some fantastic performances by a number of guest artists on the EP including Tina Gaudreau (Mad Mary / The Dirt), TC Richards (8 Track Mind / STU Jazz), Rachel Forbes (STU Jazz), Conrad Mead (Downtown Blues Band / The Redemptions), Don Rigley (Frantically Atlantic) and Joshua Sangster (Honey Gut). We love to collaborate and the Fredericton area has a wealth of great musicians who are fun to work with.


Pease and Love to All

Jeff Patch